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Relevant information


hechos relevantes
Date Description
12/19/2024 Dividend distribution (Spanish version)
12/18/2024 MREL requirement
10/31/2024 Prudential capital requirements for 2025 required by the European Central Bank
10/31/2024 Information about results of the 3rd quarter 2024 (Spanish version)
09/11/2024 Kutxabank informs about the change of name of its wholly owned subsidiary, Norbolsa, S.V., S.A.U., into Kutxabank Investment, S.V., S.A.U.
08/01/2024 Kutxabank submits the consolidated abridged interim financial accounts of 1st semester 2024 (Spanish version)
07/24/2024 Information about results of the 1st semester 2024 (Spanish version)

Income distribution (Spanish version)

06/28/2024 Renewal and replacement of board members (Spanish version)
05/31/2024 Kutxabank submits 2023 individual and consolidated annual accounts (Spanish version)
04/25/2024 Information about results of the 1st quarter 2024 (Spanish version)

Kutxabank submits information on the Moody's credit rating action (Spanish version)

02/29/2024 Information about 2023 results (Spanish version)
02/28/2024 Dividend distribution (Spanish version)

Kutxabank submits information on the credit rating assigned by DBRS (Spanish version)

12/21/2023 Appointment of Board members and income distribution (Spanish version)
12/11/2023 MREL requirement
12/01/2023 Prudential capital requirements set out by the ECB in the SREP 2023 Operational Act for Kutxabank Group
10/26/2023 Information about results of the 3rd quarter 2023 (Spanish version)

2023 EBA ST Results + HTC Portfolio

07/28/2023 Kutxabank submits the consolidated abridged interim financial accounts of 1st semester 2023 (Spanish version)
07/27/2023 Information about results of the 1st semester 2023 (Spanish version)
06/30/2023 Appointment of Board members and income distribution (Spanish version)
06/05/2023 Kutxabank submits information on the credit rating assigned by DBRS (Spanish version)
05/29/2023 Kutxabank submits 2022 individual and consolidated annual accounts
04/27/2023 Information about results of the 1st quarter 2023 (Spanish version)
03/30/2023 The Board of Directors of Kutxabank approves the candidature of Mr. Eduardo Ruiz de Gordejuela as the new CEO of the Bank, replacing Mr. Francisco Javier García Lurueña (Spanish version)
02/25/2023 Information about 2022 results (Spanish version)
01/26/2023 Kutxabank submits information on the withdrawal of S&P ratings at the Bank's request (Spanish version)
01/24/2023 Kutxabank submits information on new ratings asigned by agencies for Senior Preferred Debt (Spanish version)
01/23/2023 Kutxabank submits information on the credit rating assigned by DBRS (Spanish version)
01/13/2023 MREL requirement
12/15/2022 Prudential capital requirements set out by the ECB in the SREP 2022 Operational Act for Kutxabank Group

Appointment of members of the Board of Directors, of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and dividend distribution (Spanish version)

11/28/2022 Kutxabank submits information on the S&P credit rating action
11/25/2022 Kutxabank submits information on the Moody's credit rating action
11/02/2022 The Bank has received from the European Central Bank its decision on the suitability of the candidate Mr. Anton Joseba Arriola Boneta as Chairman of the Bank (Spanish version)
10/27/2022 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2022 (Spanish version)

Kutxabank submits the consolidated abridged interim financial accounts of 1st semester 2022 (Spanish version)

07/28/2022 Information about results of the 1st semester 2022 (Spanish version)
04/28/2022 Information about results of the 1st quarter 2022 (Spanish version)

Kutxabank submits 2021 individual and consolidated annual accounts as well as the dividend distribution

02/24/2022 Information about 2021 results (Spanish version)
02/03/2022 ECB decision on capital prudential requirements as from March 1, 2022
01/27/2022 MREL requirement
10/28/2021 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2021 (Spanish version)
10/08/2021 Information on credit rating assigned by Moody's (Spanish version)
10/01/2021 Renewal of the Board and dividend distribution (Spanish version)
08/03/2021 Kutxabank submits the consolidated abridged interim financial accounts of 1st semester 2021
07/30/2021 Kutxabank's results in the European banking sector stress tests
07/29/2021 Information about results of the 1st semester 2021 (Spanish version)
04/29/2021 Information about results of the 1st quarter 2021 (Spanish version)
04/12/2021 Kutxabank submits 2020 individual and consolidated annual accounts (Spanish version)
04/12/2021 Appointment of member of the Board (Spanish version)
02/26/2021 Kutxabank submits information on the credit rating assigned by Fitch (Spanish version)
02/25/2021 Information about 2020 results (Spanish version)
02/05/2021 Dividend distribution (Spanish version)
12/15/2020 MREL requirement
10/29/2020 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2020 (Spanish version)
09/30/2020 Kutxabank submits the consolidated abridged interim financial accounts of 1st semester 2020
07/30/2020 Information about results 1st semester 2020 (Spanish version)
06/25/2020 Renewal and appointment of members of the Board (Spanish version)
04/30/2020 Information about results 1st quarter 2020 (Spanish version)
04/30/2020 Kutxabank submits 2019 individual and consolidated annual accounts

Appointed new member of the Board of Directors as First Vice-President of the Board of Directors (Spanish version)

03/10/2020 Information on credit rating assigned by Fitch (Spanish version)
02/29/2020 Information about 2019 results (Spanish version)
02/27/2020 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2019


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The following list of Relevant Events goes with those sent by Kutxabank to the National Stock Exchange Commission. These Relevant Events, along with the previous ones, are available in the National Stock Exchange Commission offcial web site  (

hechos relevantes
Date Relevant Event description
12/12/2019 ECB decision on capital prudential requirements for 2020
10/31/2019 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2019 (Spanish version)
10/04/2019 S&P upgrades Kutxabank's Cédulas Hipotecarias rating (Spanish version)
09/16/2019 Moody's upgrades Kutxabank's Counterparty Risk rating (Spanish version)
09/09/2019 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 1st semester 2019
07/24/2019 Information about results of 1st semester 2019 (Spanish version)

Upgrade of Kutxabank's Cédulas Hipotecarias S&P rating (Spanish version)


Renewal of member of the Board of Directors and appointment as CEO (Spanish version)

05/17/2019 Formal communication regarding the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) (Spanish version)
04/25/2019 Information about results 1st quarter 2019 (Spanish version)
04/24/2019 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 2nd semester 2018
03/02/2019 Information about results of 2018 (Spanish version)
03/01/2019 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2018

ECB decision on capital prudential requirements for 2019

11/30/2018 Renewal of the Board of Directors' chairman (Spanish version)
10/31/2018 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2018 (Spanish version)
09/28/2018 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 1st semester 2018
09/06/2018 Composition of the board of directors (Spanish version)

Information about results of 1st semester 2018 (Spanish version)

04/26/2018 Information about results 1st quarter 2018 (Spanish version)
04/18/2018 Moody's upgrades Kutxabank rating (Spanish version)
04/09/2018 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 2nd semester 2017
03/22/2018 Moody's upgrades Kutxabank rating (Spanish version)
02/24/2018 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 2nd semester 2017 
02/23/2018 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2017
12/15/2017 ECB decision on capital prudential requirements for 2018
10/26/2017 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2017 (Spanish version)
09/29/2017 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 1st semester 2017
09/26/2017 S&P upgrades Kutxabank's rating (Spanish version)
07/28/2017 Composition of the board of directors (Spanish version)

Information about results of 1st semester 2017

05/10/2017 Moody's upgrades Kutxabank's ratings
05/03/2017 Changes in the composition of the board of directors and delegated committees (Spanish version)
04/28/2017 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 2nd semester 2016
04/27/2017 Information about results 1st quarter 2017
04/07/2017 Fitch upgrades Kutxabank's rating to BBB+ (Spanish version)
02/25/2017 Information on results of 2016 (Spanish version)
02/24/2017 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2016 
01/25/2017 Information on the impact of the ruling on mortgage floors (Spanish version)
12/02/2016 ECB decision on capital prudential requirements for 2017
10/27/2016 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2016 (Spanish version)
09/30/2016 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 1st semester 2016
07/28/2016 Information about results of 1st semester 2016 (Spanish version)
06/30/2016 Composition of the Management Board (Spanish version)
04/28/2016 Information about results 1st quarter 2016  
04/28/2016 Moody's upgrades Kutxabank's rating (Spanish version)
03/31/2016 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 2nd half of 2015
02/27/2016 Kutxabank informs about 2015 results (Spanish version)
02/26/2016 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2015
12/30/2015 Form of notification of the Member State of origin (Spanish version)
12/24/2015 Kutxabank discloses European Central Bank prudential capital requirements
11/24/2015 Kutxabank informs about the European Banking Authority Transparency Exercise (Spanish version)
10/29/2015 Information about results of 3rd quarter 2015
08/07/2015 Kutxabank reports the Interim financial information of 1st semester 2015
07/30/2015 Information about results of 1st semester 2015 (Spanish version)
06/18/2015 Credit rating assignment by Moody´s (Spanish version)
05/28/2015 CEO designation (Spanish version)
05/12/2015 Information about the results of 1st quarter 2015
03/27/2015 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 2nd half of 2014
02/27/2015 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2014
02/26/2015 Kutxabank informs about 2014 results (Spanish version)
02/25/2015 Management Protocol of the financial contribution of Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Fundación Bancaria in Kutxabank, S.A.
02/19/2015 Information about Kutxabank's dividend policy
12/01/2014 Information about the result as of the 3rd quarter 2014
11/28/2014 Board member designation - Chairman of Board of Directors (Spanish version)
11/27/2014 Composition of the Management Board (Spanish version)
11/27/2014 Board member resignation - Chairman of Board of Directors (Spanish version)

Kutxabank informs about the result of the stress test in the European banking sector Access press release

08/29/2014 Information about the results as of the 2nd quarter 2014
08/29/2014 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 1st half of 2014
05/29/2014 Information about the results as of the 1st quarter 2014
03/27/2014 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 2nd half of 2013
03/27/2014 Composition of the Management Board (Spanish version)
02/27/2014 Kutxabank informs about 2013 results
02/27/2014 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2013
11/12/2013 Information about the results as of the 3rd quarter of 2013
09/17/2013 Sale of the Kutxabank´s stake on NH Hoteles, S.A. (Spanish version)
08/30/2013 Information about the results of the 1st half of 2013
08/30/2013 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 1st half of 2013
07/16/2013 Moody's affirms Kutxabank's rating (Spanish version)
05/30/2013 Composition of the Management Board (Spanish version)
05/06/2013 Fitch rating action on Kutxabank (Spanish version)
05/03/2013 Kutxabank informs about 2013 first quarter results (Spanish version)
04/23/2013 CK Corporación Kutxa´s Shareholder Agreement in NHH come into force (Spanish version)
03/27/2013 Kutxabank reports the interim financial information of the 2nd half of 2012
03/01/2013 Kutxabank informs about 2012 results
02/28/2013 Kutxabank has sent the Annual Corporate Governance Report of 2012
02/14/2013 Replacement of board members (Spanish version)
01/08/2013 Transfer of branches between Kutxabank and BBK Bank Cajasur (Spanish version)
12/20/2012 Termination of the Shareholder Syndication Agreement on NH Hoeteles S.A. (Spanish version)
12/13/2012 Kutxabank signs the investment agreement in SAREB´s equity
11/23/2012  S&P action on Kutxabank´s rating (Spanish version) 
9/28/2012   Kutxabank informs about the results of the stress test made by Oliver Wyman  
9/24/2012  Transfer of branches between Kutxabank and BBK Bank CajaSur (Spanish version) 
6/26/2012  Moody´s action on Kutxabank´s rating (Spanish version) 
6/12/2012  Fitch action on Kutxabank´s rating (Spanish version) 
6/12/2012  Kutxabank Tender Offer results (Spanish version) 
5/30/2012  Kutxabank announces tender offers (Spanish version) 
5/14/2012  Impact of 18/2012 RD about the restructuring and sale of Real State assets 
4/30/2012  S&P action on Kutxabank´s rating (Spanish version)  
2/24/2012  S&P rating action on Kutxabank´s Covered Bonds (Spanish version) 
2/13/2012  S&P assigns rating to Kutxabank (Spanish version) 
2/07/2012  Requirements for the restructuring of Financial Sector Real State assets 
1/19/2012  Moody's assigns rating to Kutxabank (Spanish version) 
1/09/2012  Fitch assigns ratings to Kutxabank (Spanish version) 
1/02/2012  Composition of the Administration Board and Board Comissions of Kutxabank (Spanish version) 
1/02/2012  Kutxabank IPS comes into force (Spanish version) 

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